A DAY of HOLISTIC TOUCH: Intuitive Touch & Tools - An OUTDOOR Learning Retreat! The Pavilion, Lancaster NH
(The previous day is a beginner to Intermediate class)
Course Descriptions:
This advanced, one-day, hands on course focuses on how to better manipulate and coheres the muscles, fascia, and lymphatics through guided lecture, palpation, and techniques. The hands on will execute corrective care massage on the back, shoulders, neck, face & scalp using less thumb work and intuitive thinking. The routines covered, yet not limited are: LB pain & deep trigger points, shoulder pain & roots of cause, opening the chest, Headache & Migraine relief, TMJ, Sinus relief & integrative exercises.
Also included and following the intuitive touch will be a deeper dive into incorporating tools on the décolleté, shoulders, neck, face & scalp. The hands on will explore how to utilize the tools in various ways to achieve the client’s needs/goals and how to perform a routine that offers results to include but not limited: Face lift, Eye Depuff, jowl elimination, acne massage, sinus relief, furrow & cupid bow softening
This is an OUTDOOR learning retreat set in the Great North Woods in Lancaster NH at the PAVILION. (Gallery) The pavilion offers shade, bathrooms and fields with panoramic mountains all around. You won’t find a better way to learn in nature!
Course Goals:
To deepen intuitive touch, a thorough look into origins & insertion as well as nerve innervation to gain an understanding of the domino effect of tissue and how they play a role.
Learn how to coheres the tissue layers from superficial to deep then from deep to superficial to achieve homeostasis.
To utilize tools as an extension of our hands intuitively and in a variety of ways or techniques that will offer the results based off the tissues being manipulated.
For body and tools, we will learn how to look at the body/tissues as a three-D jigsaw puzzle and learn think about, not only how to put it back together but in what order.
Learning Objectives / Outcomes:
Body: Move from general questions to specific intake questions, pairing body topicals for goals, advanced visual assessment & open dialogue on how to determine what’s involved. Honing in on intuitive touch, palpation, response of tissues, transitions, muscular agonists, antagonists, synergistic muscle groups. Involve the connective tissue for relief and how to offer therapeutic results for clients offering light, med & ‘deep’ pressure adjusting our mechanics, circulation flow, lymphatic stimulation, and in-depth muscular origins, insertions & nerve innervations.
Tools: Utilize a selection of tools in ordinary (yet advanced) and unordinary ways, choosing products to support your goals, advanced visual assessment, touch assessment, palpation response, transitions, and tissue specific techniques.
Massage Therapists and Body Workers will advance their intuitive touch, utilize topicals as second nature, offer corrective treatments without breaking our bodies, offer treatments that are no longer a ‘routine’, learn how to adjust pressure based on the body’s responses and offer corrective care face massage with tools.
Estheticians will advance their therapeutic back massage and continue to expand their shoulder, neck, face & scalp routines. Body treatments will be superior and a continuation of confident touch will be delivered. Facials will include expanded touch to open the path for lymphatic movement and corrective tool use will greatly enhance your results.
Everyone will leave with the ability to offer original, and highly skilled massage treatments specific to the client for body and face.
Assessment Overview:
A demo will be offered, and then hands-on will include time to give AND receive within the day.
During the hands on, guided techniques from trainer, verbal assessment and model feedback will perfect the techniques.
There is a beginner-intermediate class offered the day prior that replicates this course however it is more foundation information & techniques.
If an overnight is desired, Littleton NH is the best option for hotels and food
Included in Course:
CEU Certificate (7 NCBTMB CE’s)
Learning Materials, Pen & Notepad
Water & Lunch
Indoor/Outdoor Learning Spaces
Special presentation during the day (tbd)
Late day snacks
$450 Full Registration *Join day two and save $50! (In addition to the incentivized pricing below)
Reserve your spot for $50!
Littleton NH is the best place to stay overnight if desired, its about 25 minutes from the venue (everything in the Great north woods is a MINIMUM of a half hour drive 😉)
Only 10 Registrations will be accepted PER Course!
PRICE INCENTIVES: Pay the tuition in FULL by the end of the month expiration dates and SAVE! No code needed; just pay in full by end of month and receive a confirmation email that confirms tuition is paid in full.
PAID IN: May Tuition: $400 | June Tuition: $425 | July & August tuition: $450